Google Insights for search
Google Insights is a tool for advance searching of keywords. This tool provides the comprehensive analysis of keywords by search terms, region and time ranges. It compares the keywords and shows the results in graph. you can apply filters further to customize your search.
After giving your desired keywords and applying filters press on search and find results in a graph with comparison.
This graph shows the keyword search popularity on yearly basis. You can see the keyword interest over the time. Here it is again a useful tool to identify which keyword is good for your business.
Countries searching most for the specific keyword can be seen as below
Here in a glance the keyword usage can be seen.
Similar keyword searches are shown as well in this tool. This is quite a comprehensive tool to provide ultimate analysis of keywords.
Rising searches are searches which faced remarkable growth in search results over the time period.
Google insights a searching tool to provide details and these can be downloaded in CSV file.
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