Friday, February 11, 2011

4 Tips to improve SEO

SEO or search engine optimization will increase your website’s exposure on the internet.  There are a variety of methods both basic and complex within SEO.  You may already know a few of the more basic methods, so here we will supply SEO tips that will help you improve your search engine optimization that is already in place.

  1. To begin you may need to work on your inbound links and outbound links.  Google will rank your search engine based on the links you have, as well as keywords, new content, etc.  It can be fairly easy to create external links. You find sites that have resource information regarding your website topic.  Sites like .gov, .org, and even Wikipedia will not mind if you have an external link to their site.  In fact most websites do not mind.  What can be harder is getting the inbound links.  This is where many website designers can truly improve their SEO.  To get inbound links you have to show other websites why they want to link to you.  More specifically you need to have content, keywords, and products or information other web designers will find useful.  To get the links use social media sites, YouTube, and blogs.  You can create your own inbound links from external blogging sites.  You can use internal links as one way to increase your page rank.  Google and other search engines will raise your values accordingly, especially if you have the relevant keywords in those links.
  2. Headlines and title tags are often an area that needs improving on a website.  A good writer knows that the topic you discuss must be shown, and therefore the topic has to be discussed in headlines and titles.  So your headlines and title tags must be keyword rich, but more than that you have to have the right placement.  If your keyword is Malpractice Lawyer, then this keyword should appear in the first few words of your headline.  You do not want to leave the keyword till the last word of the headline or even in the middle.  It gets lost.  Your rankings will be higher if the keyword is first.
  3. Anytime you add new content such as blog posts or articles to provide new content on your website you need to make sure the website addresses include keywords.  It is not enough to have new content. You also have to make sure the URL is relevant.
  4. Our last tip for you on improving SEO is about highlighting your best content on each page.  Every time you have a point to make you need to use bullets, numbers, bold, italics, or another form of highlighting the best content.  Consumers’ eyes will track this content and learn that your site is the best.  It also helps gain the attention of the search engines for ranking.

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