Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pagerank in 2011

 The Next Generation of Ranking Signals
Every 3-4 years, there’s a big shift or addition to the key metrics Google (and, to a lesser extent MSN/Bing and Yahoo!) uses to order competitive search results.

1996-1999: On-page keyword usage + meta data

1999 – 2002: PageRank + On-page

2002 – 2005: Anchor text + Domain name + PageRank + On-Page

2005 – 2009: Domain authority + Diversity of linking domains + Topic modeling + Anchor text + Domain name + PageRank + On-Page

In 2010 and 2011, we’ve already seen the entry of social signals from Facebook and Twitter. The recent clickstream stories revealed that both Google and Bing employ clickstream data (Bing has done so publicly for the last 3 years, Google more quietly and probably longer), though this likely is a relatively small data point for both.

It’s my belief that the next generation of ranking signals will rely on social networking sites.

Important to note that pagerank and search engine result page SERP ranking has no relationship neither similar in phenomenon.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pagerank by search engines

PageRank is the measure of the importance of a page based on the incoming links from other pages.  Every page has its own page rank. Most important page rank should be the home page or the product page. Any page can be optimized to get better ranking in search engine.

Pagerank value starts from 0 up to 10. Google tool bar is available to view the page rank value and is free to download.

In simple terms, each link to a page on your site from another site adds to your site's PageRank. Not all links are equal: Search Engine works hard to improve the user experience by identifying spam links and other practices that negatively impact search results. If your site link is placed on some important site this will add rank to your website. Important sites are measured usually on basis of .gov, .edu, .pk, .cn or .uk. These URLs are authentic and search engine always consider such sites as important sites. Placing your link on such website will boost the ranking of your page instantly. Moreover such sites which capture huge number of hits are also referred as important sites.

The best types of links are those that are given based on the quality of your content. In order for your site to rank well in search results pages, it's important to make sure that search engine can crawl and index your site correctly.Your site should be search engine friendly.

Important to note that pagerank and search engine result page SERP ranking has no relationship neither similar in phenomenon.

Indexing in SEO training

Indexing is a process of compiling the fetched information from internet. It is just like the index of the book.

Crawler processes each of the pages it crawls in order to compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on each page. Crawler can process many, but not all, content types.

The processing of crawling means how often the page should be crawled, nature of page, relevant or irrelevant links, meta descriptions, content, geographical location and of course ALT tags, titles, headings etc. Such information is used to display results. The results are determined on the basis of fetched data or indexed data within search engine. Search engine uses crawler to do the job.

Crawler is an algorithmic based software designed to fetch information about pages over internet to produce most efficient search results.

Also See:

How to build Search Engine Friendly web page
Understanding HTML for SEO

Crawler of search engine in SEO

Crawling is the process by which Googlebot (Software by Google) discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index.

Cralwer comes to the website and reads all pages linked within website, it also goes to all other links diverting towards other websites. Crawler has a scheduled visit plan and it is set by Google. However you can specify the significant of web page by telling it to crawler. You can do it by specifying the significance in sitemap.

Google uses a huge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages on the web. The program that does the fetching is called Googlebot (also known as a robot, bot, or spider).

Googlebot or crawler uses an algorithmic process: computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site.

Google's crawl process begins with a list of web page URLs, generated from previous crawl processes, and augmented with Sitemap data provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links are noted and used to update the Google index.

Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently, and we keep the search side of our business separate from our revenue-generating AdWords service.

Also See:

What is Search Engine Friendly website

Saturday, February 12, 2011

SEM Search Engine Marketing

SEM or Search Engine Marketing is a process to promote website on search engine rankings in search engine result pages. The phenomenon solely derived to target potential users to gain maximum ROI (Return Over Investment). This is done by increasing hits of visitors on website through the use of Search Engine Optimization SEO and other related tools including paid placement, contextual advertisements and paid inclusion.

As the number of sites is increasing rapidly since mid-late nineties some tools appeared as search engines to provide required information and link to the user. Suddenly it brought an idea of promoting website over the search engine ranking. The better is ranking, more hits you get. This resulted into building strategies to show up on the first page of SERP of search engines. Search engines started building their business models to cash this race. The first program was presented as pay per click in 1996 by Open Text and then Later it was adopted by Microsoft, Yahoo, Bing and obviously Google. Google's adwords program promoted this type of marketing globally. Its business model received overwhelming response and attained world wide success.

Internet Marketers or Search Engine Optimizers expanded the vision of customer by promoting the idea of Search Engine Marketing to attain maximum ROI by getting more traffic through advertisements. New SEO consultants emerged focusing upon marketing and advertising through search engines.

In 2001 SEM model was presented to cover the spectrum of activities involved in performing SEO, Search Engine paid listing management, submitting sites to directories and developing online marketing strategies to promote businesses. As the idea grew bigger it also showed an offspring as SEMM Search Engine Marketing Management. SEMM is purely related with interest of ROI over the business through web promotions. SEMM also integrates organic SEO, trying to achieve top ranking without using paid means of achieving top in search engines, and PayPerClick SEO. some of the attention is placed on the web page layout design and how content and information is displayed to the website visitor. It does not focus on relevant traffic building only.

Friday, February 11, 2011

4 Tips to improve SEO

SEO or search engine optimization will increase your website’s exposure on the internet.  There are a variety of methods both basic and complex within SEO.  You may already know a few of the more basic methods, so here we will supply SEO tips that will help you improve your search engine optimization that is already in place.

  1. To begin you may need to work on your inbound links and outbound links.  Google will rank your search engine based on the links you have, as well as keywords, new content, etc.  It can be fairly easy to create external links. You find sites that have resource information regarding your website topic.  Sites like .gov, .org, and even Wikipedia will not mind if you have an external link to their site.  In fact most websites do not mind.  What can be harder is getting the inbound links.  This is where many website designers can truly improve their SEO.  To get inbound links you have to show other websites why they want to link to you.  More specifically you need to have content, keywords, and products or information other web designers will find useful.  To get the links use social media sites, YouTube, and blogs.  You can create your own inbound links from external blogging sites.  You can use internal links as one way to increase your page rank.  Google and other search engines will raise your values accordingly, especially if you have the relevant keywords in those links.
  2. Headlines and title tags are often an area that needs improving on a website.  A good writer knows that the topic you discuss must be shown, and therefore the topic has to be discussed in headlines and titles.  So your headlines and title tags must be keyword rich, but more than that you have to have the right placement.  If your keyword is Malpractice Lawyer, then this keyword should appear in the first few words of your headline.  You do not want to leave the keyword till the last word of the headline or even in the middle.  It gets lost.  Your rankings will be higher if the keyword is first.
  3. Anytime you add new content such as blog posts or articles to provide new content on your website you need to make sure the website addresses include keywords.  It is not enough to have new content. You also have to make sure the URL is relevant.
  4. Our last tip for you on improving SEO is about highlighting your best content on each page.  Every time you have a point to make you need to use bullets, numbers, bold, italics, or another form of highlighting the best content.  Consumers’ eyes will track this content and learn that your site is the best.  It also helps gain the attention of the search engines for ranking.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Title of Page in SEO Training

Title is the name/short description of the page shown in title bar of browser. Title of the page should be defined for every page and it must contain the core idea of the page. Title is most important in Search Engine Optimization.

Title is shown to the visitor and it is also noted by the crawler of search engine. In SERP the title of that particular page is shown as link. Thus in title use the phrase or keyword that best describe your page and commonly searched by the searchers.

The length for title should be up to 90 characters, it varies from search engine to search engine. But ideally it should be short and well describing the page. Google shows 69 Characters (Including Spaces) for Page Title. Yahoo shows up to 72 Characters (Including Spaces) for a Page Title. (PDF’s up to 75 characters).
Bing shows 65 Characters (Including Spaces) for a Page Title Tag. And we can quote so many examples here.

Title must contain the keyword as well. Title should be relevant with the content of the page. These important points make the website search engine friendly.

Also see:

How to define Title in web page

Search Engine Result Page (SERP) in SEO

Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is a page shown to visitor after search button is pressed on any search engine. This page displays the link to the website and short description against the keywords or phrase entered by the visitor in bold letters. I will talk about the organic or pure search or organic search only.

When a user searches a keyword or phrase the result is displayed on the SERP. The title of the search result is shown as link. You can click to visit the page. The description below the link of website shows the content within the page and some bold words can be seen matching your entered keywords or phrase.

Please look below to have an example


Here in the first result in SERP by google we find first line as a link to the page. It shows the title of that page. Below the link some description is shown with the bold words. These bold words are same as entered in search bot. Below the description the full URL is written as well. You can copy and paste the URL to other browser.

Most important point to note is search result page shows the meta content of that page. So in Search Engine Optimization meta content is much important. If one do not define meta tag, search engine assumes the site it not search engine friendly and it captures content to understand the nature of web page. To get better ranking in search result page meta content is used and it makes the page search engine friendly. Every page should have its own meta described.

Meta in SEO training

Meta is the section in programming/coding of website which is written for search engines. The content present in it describes the nature of website. Search Engine checks the content in meta and understand the type and further content relevancy of site.

Meta is not visible to the visitor of website. It is written in a standard format of programming language like HTML,

Meta is defined under the head section after the title of the site. To see the example please click here
Meta is composed of two mandatory elements one is keywords and the other is description.

In keywords section of meta one can write the number of keywords as per analysis to describe best about its web page. Search engine pick the keywords from this section. The maximum length for keywords in meta is up to 250 characters.

The other section is description where the short description of web page or introduction of web page is written. The limit for characters is 170. It varies depending on search engine strategies. Google shows 156 Characters (Including Spaces) for Meta Description. Yahoo shows up to 161 Characters (Including Spaces) for Meta Description.

 In SERP (Search Engine Result Page) the search engine shows the description if you defined or it picks from the content of the web page. Meta is quite important in Search Engine Optimization.

Each page should have its own meta tags with keywords and description, because search engines do not only emphasize on home page or main page. If you want to bring some specific content of your web page in SERP you need to define individual meta for every page. The selection of keywords should be based on analysis. There are many tools available on www to get best keywords for your web page. For details click here

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Google Insights in SEO training

Google Insights for search

Google Insights is a tool for advance searching of keywords. This tool provides the comprehensive analysis of keywords by search terms, region and time ranges. It compares the keywords and shows the results in graph. you can apply filters further to customize your search.

After giving your desired keywords and applying filters press on search and find results in a graph with comparison.

This graph shows the keyword search popularity on yearly basis. You can see the keyword interest over the time. Here it is again a useful tool to identify which keyword is good for your business.

Countries searching most for the specific keyword can be seen as below

Here in a glance the keyword usage can be seen.

Similar keyword searches are shown as well in this tool. This is quite a comprehensive tool to provide ultimate analysis of keywords.

Rising searches are searches which faced remarkable growth in search results over the time period.

Google insights a searching tool to provide details and these can be downloaded in CSV file.

atom.xml vs RSS

Atom is an xml format file (atom.xml). It is used to publish syndicated content of blogs and websites in a standard.
User can can discover a file described as "atom.xml" in the URL that can be copied and pasted into an aggregator to subscribe to the feed. It is much similar with RSS.

It has few differences with RSS or we can say the shortcomings of RSS are overcome in atom.xml.

  • Atom was developed to be vendor neutral and freely extensible by any user; it is an "open standard."
  • Atom lies within an XML-namespace.
  • Atom includes "autodiscovery," allowing feed aggregators to automatically detect the presence of a feed.
  • Atom differentiates between relative and non-relative URIs.
  • Atom has separate "summary" and "content" elements.
  • Atom explicitly labels a payload as plaintext or HTML .
  • Each entry has a globally unique ID.
Atom has been adopted by many syndication tools, including Google's Blogger, Gmail and Google News. Microsoft has added Atom support to the feed browser integrated into Internet Explorer 7.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sitemap submission of blogspot in google webmaster tool in SEO Training

How to submit sitemap of blogspot in webmaster tool

It was a unique experience for me to submit a sitemap in webmaster tool of google. Blogspot does not allow to upload a sitemap with your blog. Webmaster tool requires to provide sitemap URL link. As the blogspot does not let sitemap to be uploaded so URL is out of question.

I tried searching through google and went through several websites but I could not get exact method or the process told by writers was quite old. I found many blogs explaining this of 2007.

After a thorough research I found the process to submit sitemap of your blog from blogspot site in google webmaster tool.

First click here
Google Webmaster tool
log in by providing your blogspot email account as username and password.
(If you are not registered with this tool, please use your google account user name and password to register)

now click on ADD A Site and then give your blogspot URL complete.
After adding your blog URL click on the URL in display, it may ask for verification if you are not a google account user.

After clicking you will enter the stats of your submitted blog URL of blogspot.

Now click on "Your Site on Web" option on left.

click on subscriber stats option

you will be asked to submit feed.

After submission of feed Google will check for the feed by analyzing your blog and your request will be shown like this
 Further you can click on "Dashboard" on left

On that page scroll down to find following status

This will show that Google has successfully found the sitemap and it has submitted number of links in its index.
That is how a user can submit his blog's sitemap on google webmaster tool.